I topped off my training week this morning with my old standard Mt Wilson route from Eaton Canyon (6am start), walk up the Mt Wilson Toll Road to the summit, and then run down, for 20 miles. Given what I learned yesterday about the water spigots being taped off as non-potable, and not having streams along the route, I carried a lot of extra water this morning, not being sure how hot it might get. It was a warm and humid inversion layer up to about 2500 feet and then clear and cool above that, so I didn't need the extra half gallon of water I had lugged up. I hit the summit in 2:48- a bit slow. I spent some time talking to a couple of ultra runners that came up while I was shaking out my socks. Neither had heard about the Forest Service closing the spigots. I topped both of these guys off with my extra water and then headed down for a 4:10 total run time. One of the guys had 1 steel water bottle; the other had 2 hand bottles and indicated he was heading down through Idlehour to Lake- a 15 or 16 mile route depending on the path taken from the Idlehour trail junction with the Mt Lowe Railway bed. Thats a long tough run for 2 water bottles.
Today I was carrying 2 hand bottles, 2 spares in a belt and a light pack with that extra half gallon. I don't enjoy pain (much). Something about pissing blood just doesn't appeal to me: Here is a report I made last year of an experience I had of what can happen Not drinking enough-hematuria on a Mt Wilson run July 2013
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